Just the voice to verify the identity of the client

CompanyTatra Banka
Number of employees3 400

The integrated Communication system for Romatsa


  • a system ensuring that the verification is carried out naturally during an ordinary conversation with the operator
  • a verification fast enough and at least as safe as Card and Card ReaderTB authentication


  • Nuance FreeSpeech voice biometrics technology
  • extensive testing and debugging of the system so that the verification is carried out fast enough to prevent unauthorized access to the system and prevent rejection of legitimate log-in attempts
  • integration with other banking systems and creation of an intuitive user interface for agents of the contact center DIALOG Live (realized in collaboration with 2Ring Company using 2Ring AGENT DESKTOP solution)


  • Tatra banka, as the first bank on the Slovak market as well as in Central and Eastern Europe, has offered their clients the possibility of comfortable authentication through voice biometrics
  • Tatra banka clients now have several options for authentication in the contact center DIALOG Live, not only through their Card and Card ReaderTB systems
  • introduction of voice verification has proven attractive to clients – after less than four months since the launch of this service, DIALOG Live has registered 90,000 voice samples
  • resulting in shortening the average length of calls and an increase in the efficiency of the contact center, which will now be able to spend more time on selling activities

Technology used

Cisco Contact Center Enterprise 8.5
Nuance FreeSpeech
2Ring Agent Desktop

“The average time of client identification process through the Card and Card ReaderTB is 1min,21 sec. In comparison with 27sec. identification time through voice biometrics, we save 66% of the time in the client identification process.“

Ľuboš Kováč Head of contact center DIALOGLive
at Tatra banka

Popular and beneficial

As voice verification is faster than when using the Card and Card ReaderTB, the contact center efficiency increases and thus fewer operators will be sufficient in order to provide the same level of service availability.


Biometrics technology for voice recognition is not used only in banking. In foreign countries, it is used, for example, for recharging prepaid mobile phone cards, validation of web transactions, or for authentication to mobile phone applications containing sensitive personal or corporate data.

“The most important part of the project is to find the right balance between the level of verification reliability and speed.“

Sometimes, we need to perform a financial operation or transaction quickly and unexpectedly, either during a business trip or on vacation. Thanks to voice biometrics, we do not have to worry whether the necessary authentication ‘device’ is missing, as we have our voice, available anytime, anywhere,
Martin Hummel Product Manager at Soitron.


In ancient times, people believed that the voice came from the heart. We know today that we are able to speak thanks to our vocal cords, but hardly anybody realizes how complicated this process is. Around a hundred different muscles are involved in speech – it is a sophisticated cooperation of chest, neck, jaw, tongue, and lips.

Speech is not only interesting from the physiological point of view. Uttering a single word, a greeting for example, can reveal whether the person is happy, bored, sad, angry or in a hurry. It may also indicate characteristics such as dominance or aggressiveness. British Prime Minister and 19th century writer, Benjamin Disraeli, even said that the voice was the best indicator of human nature.

Each human voice is unique and forms an integral part of the individual human being. That is why many companies dedicated to biometrics, in other words the use of unique physiological characteristics to identify an individual, started experimenting with these tools a long time ago.


85% of customers do not like a standard password authentication.

(Source: Coleman Parkes Research, Opus Research)


74% of customers will not get their required or requested information because at that moment they are unable to authenticate themselves.

(Source: Coleman Parkes Research, Opus Research)


90% of customers prefer voice biometrics compared to other methods of authentication.

(Source: Vocalabs Research)

Client Tatra banka

Technology provider Nuance Communications, Inc.